Terms and Conditions



  1. Peru Culture Eirl. Guarantees that our published prices will not change unless local suppliers make a substantial increase.
  2. Our prices are expressed in US dollars and include all taxes as per law. In the case of hotels, the 18% VAT is not included for foreign tourists staying up to 60 days in Peru. At check-in at the hotel, you must present a copy of your passport to confirm your identity and the immigration card; otherwise, the 18% VAT will be added to the room rate.
  3. Airfares (if included in the purchased service) are subject to changes and availability. Once you receive the confirmation, the cancellation policy will be given based on the confirmed fare and airline policies.


  1. Depending on availability, the system will process bookings until the same day of the requested service.
  2. A room allocation has been managed in the selected hotels to allow hotel bookings to be automatically confirmed online according to availability (check room availability in the hotel booking tab). All remaining services will be sold until availability runs out.
  3. Partial or full payment will be required once the reservation is confirmed. Online transactions are available through this website. The applied charges will depend on the advance time with which the tour and/or Hotel were booked:
    • Up to 60 days before, 60% payment will be debited, and the remaining balance will be retained, [30] days before the first reserved hotel night.
    • Any reservation made within the previous [29] days to the first reserved night will be charged in full.


1. Security

Online transactions are processed through a secure website. However, you acknowledge and agree that Internet transmissions are never entirely secure or private, and any message or information you send or is sent through the Peru Culture website (including credit card information) may be read or intercepted by others, even when a website is declared secure. Peru Culture Eirl. shall have no liability for the interception or "hacking" of any data through the website or any other website by unauthorized third parties.

2. Your Warranties

By using Peru Culture Eirl's online transactions, you certify and warrant that you are over 18 years old and have legal capacity to contract in Peru. If you use a credit card to process a transaction, you certify and warrant that the credit card is issued in your name and that you will pay the issuer all charges incurred during the use of online transactions.

3. Accuracy of Transaction Information

Before completing an online transaction with Peru Culture Eirl, you will be presented with a confirmation screen verifying the transaction details you wish to process. It is your responsibility to verify that all transactions, credit cards, and other details are correct. You should print the transaction confirmation for future reference and your records. Peru Culture Eirl. shall have no liability for any transactions that result incorrectly as a result of incorrect data entry in the course of any online transaction or for the loss of data or information caused by factors beyond the control of Peru Culture Eirl.

4. Office Hours

To contact any of our representatives, you can do so by phone by calling +51 971405444 / +51 984733529 from [Monday to Sunday] [08:30 a.m. to 09:00 p.m.] UTC / GMT -5 hours or by sending an email to info@peruculturetravel.com / peruculturetravel@gmail.com.

5. Your Credit Card Statement

Charges made to your credit card will appear under the name of Peru Culture Eirl, which is the company in charge of online transactions.


If you need to cancel a reservation, the cancellation fees are as follows:

    • Online transaction service fee: A non-refundable charge of up to 25% per transaction is levied for each reservation.

We act as intermediaries between travel providers and consumers for the booking and payment of travel services. To facilitate the provision of travel services to consumers, we enter into agreements with various travel providers that govern the booking and payment of such hotels, tour packages, and airplane tickets through this website. The price stated for travel services includes the amount(s) paid to travel providers in connection with the facilitation of your travel arrangements, as well as an online transaction service fee to facilitate such travel arrangements.

In addition to the online transaction service fee, the following penalties will apply depending on when the cancellation notice is received:

Cancellation fees depending on the days prior Notice:

Up to 16 days before the first reserved night 40%. 15 to 8 days before the first reserved night 70% of the entire reserved stay. 7 days before the first reserved night 100% of the entire reserved stay.

Cancellation Policy:

In case of total cancellation, Peru Culture Eirl. will make every effort to negotiate applicable cancellation fees with the providers. Only specific non-negotiable fees will not be refunded.

Important: All refunded amounts will be subject to a 20% administration charge deduction.


Once your services are confirmed, you will receive a confirmation notice with a booking code; this is the only document you will need to register at the hotel or to avail the contracted services.

Visa and passport requirements for the countries we travel to vary depending on nationality and change for reasons beyond our control. Although we strive to provide you with accurate information about these requirements, it remains the responsibility of each traveler to ensure they have the appropriate travel documents. Peru Culture Eirl cannot be held responsible for expenses or costs resulting from a traveler being prohibited from entering a country we visit during the trip.


  1. Our trips involve a great experience with their rewards and minimal risks beyond those found at home. We always emphasize that our trips are a partnership with travelers. Our main goal is to commit to providing you with a great travel experience. In return, we have qualified staff to ensure they are in good physical condition. You will have access to our pre-travel material on clothing, training, medical requirements, and specific cultural information; Appreciate that, in some countries, standards of living, practices, services, and local accommodation may differ from those in North America or Europe (often in pleasant ways); And to understand - indeed, savor - the ingredient that a less-traveled path means a more unpredictable and rewarding adventure.


  1. Before traveling, Peru Culture Eirl strongly recommends that you review your personal insurance and health insurance to ensure you have adequate coverage to meet your needs and those of your family and dependents in case of loss of property, or accident, injury, or death. All Peru Culture Eirl trips are intentionally designed to take customers "off the beaten path" to places where facilities, infrastructure, safety, and other standards may not be sophisticated and may differ from those in the traveler's home country. Trips involve physical activity that may be demanding, depending on the traveler's condition, and the risk of serious personal injury, including permanent disability and death from accident, illness, or the actions or negligence of others. Medical facilities and services may not be easily accessible and may not be sophisticated. There are other risks associated with travel, such as theft or loss or damage to property. Some of the services provided in connection with the trip, including accommodation, transportation, food service, and local tours and activities, are obtained from independent providers over which Peru Culture Eirl has no control.
  2. Limitation of Liability, Release, and Indemnification:

By contracting a travel service from Peru Culture Eirl, travelers must accept these risks and assume full responsibility for any loss, injury, death, or damage to them, their family, or their dependents arising in connection with their participation or the participation of their family, in the trips. Travelers must have their own appropriate insurance for their needs and the needs of their family or dependents regarding such loss, injury, death, or damage.

Although Peru Culture Eirl strives to choose appropriate independent providers to provide services on the trips, Peru Culture Eirl has no right to control their operations and, therefore, make travel arrangements on condition that Peru Culture Eirl shall not be liable for any act or omission of any independent provider or any unrelated third party. The services provided by independent providers are subject to the laws of the place where the services are provided and the conditions imposed by such providers. The liability of independent providers may be limited by their rates, transportation conditions, tickets and bonds, conventions, and international agreements.

The cost of all Peru Culture Eirl trips is based on travelers agreeing to this limitation of liability, release, and indemnification. In consideration for participating in the trips, travelers agree not to sue Peru Culture Eirl and forever release them from all liability for economic losses and physical or mental injuries, direct or indirect, related to the trip, for permanent disability and death. Peru Culture Eirl is not liable for any emotional distress; loss of services, financial support, aid, or companionship; And any damage or loss of property in each case, even if caused wholly or partially by the misconduct, including the negligence of the passenger, except where such loss, injury, or damage is caused by reckless or fraudulent conduct by Peru Culture Eirl or its employees, guides, shareholders, officers, or directors, in which case the traveler reserves the right to sue only Peru Culture Eirl regarding such conduct.

Travelers further agree to indemnify and hold Peru Culture Eirl harmless from claims arising in connection with the trip made by: i) third parties, arising from the misconduct of travelers; Ii) family, dependents, or heirs of the traveler, iii) third parties whom the traveler, their estate, their family, dependents, or heirs have sued if damages are recovered from such third parties, to the extent that the third party seeks indemnification from Peru Culture Eirl; Except where the loss, injury, death, or damage is caused by the reckless or fraudulent conduct of Peru Culture Eirl, its employees, guides, shareholders, directors, or directors.

Peru Culture Eirl reserves the right to refuse acceptance or participation of any traveler whose health or actions, in Peru Culture Eirl's sole judgment, impede the proper operation of a trip or the welfare of other travelers. In additional consideration for participating in the trip, travelers agree that Peru Culture Eirl, or its designee, may use any photographic or film records of the trips for promotional and/or commercial purposes, without any remuneration to the traveler. The traveler agrees to assign all rights, titles, and interests they may have in or to any medium in which their name or likeness could be used to Peru Culture Eirl.

Travelers agree that Peru Culture Eirl is the trustee of Peru Culture Eirl's respective rights under this Limitation of Liability, Release, and Indemnification, which shall apply to a traveler's trips with Peru Culture Eirl and any transfer of reservation to another Trip, including any pre-trip or post-trip extension. This Limitation of Liability, Release, and Indemnification is mandatory for all family members of the traveler, dependents, heirs, successors, and personal legal representatives. Any claim or dispute arising out of or relating to this Limitation of Liability, Release, and Indemnification or its interpretation, the trip, or the traveler's relationship with Peru Culture Eirl shall be resolved exclusively in the courts of Cusco and shall be governed exclusively by the laws of Peru.